Italy , officially known as the Italian Republic, is a country located in southern Europe, encompassing a total land area of 301,340 square kilometers. It is characterized by its diverse landscapes, historical cities, cultural heritage, and a rich history that spans thousands of years. Italy shares borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia and is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea.
Non-EU citizens staying in Italy for more than 90 days need a residence permit. Usually initiated by the employer upon the employee's arrival and employment confirmation.It will be valid for the duration of the work contract or up to two years, renewable.
Family members of temporary residents can join them in Italy by applying for family reunification, providing necessary documents such as proof of relationship, health insurance, and financial stability.
Granted to individuals with long-term ties to Italy, including stable employment, residence, and integration. Requires residing in Italy for several years and meeting specific criteria. It allows indefinite stay in Italy, renewable every five years.
When it comes to obtaining a Italian work permit , Optus serves as your trusted partner. With years of experience and a team of immigration experts, we are dedicated to providing you with a seamless and efficient immigration process.